Monday, February 15, 2010


I HAVE 6 STARS! Woo hoo! Obama's going to be so proud!

Moving on, I got some new plates (pics up later, I promise) that'll hopefully help me want to plate things and show them off. Woooo for Home Goods and Anthropologie!

I hung out with my favorite Canadian today, did some shopping and some lunching. We're ladies that lunch :D Tomorrow should be a fun time, need to get to work early, leave early, go to the office and design my butt off and eventually make it to the Rabbit for a Jack's Mannequin show :D

Did 40 minutes of cardio today...That's kind of a lot for me. My knee's stiff and my whole leg is iffy but it'll get better. Yes. It. Will.

Anywhoo, I'm hyper and I should go to bed. Night!

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